Posts under this tag will all be related to different blogs that I am a fan of.  B.M.W does not stand for a brand of an automobile here but for Blog Me Want or blogs that I like. 

This week, the blog feature is *drum rolls* ! 


First Click: I first came across their blog last year but I saw them first on Youtube. They have three YouTube channels which have been viewed by more than a million netizens! This blog highlights more of the culture of South Korea or all about Korea!

What do you love this blog? Aside from their adorable video intro and effects, I love how they give entertainment, facts, review and laughter to their viewers. I also love that they have different video segments and schedule like for example Monday is for Kpop Music Mondays, Thursday they have WANKs or FAPFAPs. WANK stands for “Wonderful Adventure Now Korea” (Which I totally love! ^^) and FAPFAP stands for “Food Adventure Program For Awesome People”, and so on. Well, except for tuesdays where they sleep or rest.


About the Bloggers: Simon and Martina are a married Canadian couple who’s been is South Korea since 2008. Their first video are for fun, but these videos eventually give way to a more promising career which they do now–awesome vloggers/bloggers! Their popularity can be obviously seen through their youtube channel, blog, eyk store (they now have a store!!!) and different media advertisements and programs around the globe. They have been featured in different journals, sites and hosting programs. They are now celebrating Eat Your Kimchi’s 5th Year Anniversary! 


Recommended Videos/Entries: 

1. Sleep Muzzle: (Funny stuffs)

2. WANK: BOard Game Cafe Edition (scariest game ever?!)

3.  Introducing Our Dog Spudgy: (one of their oldest and cuties archived video)

Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥/5 hearts




